Bogey Cigars, formerly known as Bogey Blunts, are a flavored cigar company that partnered with Lil Wayne in 2008 to expand their business. There are four different types available, which are “Cigarillos“, “Trees“, “Woods” and “Masters“, and they all have unique styles with the shapes and leafs used. Weezy‘s personal favorite is the “Bogey Cigarillos” and he has even been spotted smoking them plenty of times on various occasions.
There are plenty of different flavors that Bogey Cigars can also be bought in, including blueberry, green leaf, strawberry cream, wine grape, natural, vanilla, honey, aromatic, and many more. They can be purchased at 7-Eleven stores around the US, as well as online via Deco Drive Cigars.
Another product that Bogey Cigars sell are Lil Wayne Lighters, which have graphic designs of Tunechi and Young Money on the tanks. There are two different types of Wayne lighters that are available to buy – one is an electronic refillable lighter (purchase here) and another is a giant curve 6.5″ lighter that also has a built-in bottle opener at the bottom (purchase here).
Check out more photos of Lil Wayne‘s Bogey Cigars business venture below: