Lil Wayne Playlists

Lil Wayne Playlists

Here, you can find Lil Wayne playlists that you can stream via the music streaming service Spotify.

This page includes a “Feature” playlist that consists of over 50 of Wayne‘s biggest and hottest features to date, a “Chill” playlist that contains Wayne‘s more relaxing music, a “Love” playlist that is made up of Wayne‘s songs about love and relationships, and a “Motivation” playlist that is full of Wayne tracks to play while working out.

This section is new to and is currently being tested. If everything goes well, there will be more playlists coming in the future.

You can listen to all of the Weezy playlists below. Enjoy!

Lil Wayne “Feature” Playlist:

Lil Wayne “Chill” Playlist:

Lil Wayne “Love” Playlist:

Lil Wayne “Workout / Motivation” Playlist:

Click here to e-mail me if you have any other good suggestions for a Tunechi playlist, or if you have a Tune song that you want to see added to one of the playlists above. Don’t forget the track has to be available on Spotify first, which means that some of Lil Wayne‘s best music (the leaks) cannot be added.